Monday, October 24, 2011


Hello Everyone!

Wishing all the Gladiators a Very Happy and prosperous Diwali!!!

  • Heartiest Congratulations to Alok Kler also for being nominated for NDC!

Here is the latest update on Gladiator's front from Pune -
  • Ankit Bhatnagar was in town recently - his company was sponsoring the Blackburn Rovers V/s Pune FC  football match.
  • Shyamoli - daughter of Brij Lamba is also in town - for her internship with Bajaj Alianz!

  • Rishi Chauhan got engaged to Shruti on 24 Oct -

We welcome Shruti to the Gladiator's clan and wish both of them a Very Happy life together!!!
  • Karan Kalra is in town for  the Squash National's tournament.
  • KGB will be here with us on 22 Nov and we plan to have a Gladiator's get-together with him! Cheema, Sinhas, Balbirs, Ravi Raman and our Doc of Ambala days - VK Sharma will be there. Hopefully, Joy and Dhruv will also join us from Nagar!

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