Friday, October 30, 2009

Hi Guys!
  • Kirti has created an email id for the gladiators - - to keep everyone in the loop!
  • Tony and Liliy's son Jaskaran is getting married on 6th Dec in Gurgaon followed by Reception in Pune on 19 Dec.
  • We had all met up at their place on Sunday(25th Oct), Ajay Sinha, Anu Kler, Aditya-Shivani, Pandy - Ruby, Yugbir - Divya and our old Boxer DN Takole.
  • Anu is busy with Aarman preparing for Doon School entrance exam. Alok is holding fort at Patiala.
  • Takole has joined Maharashtra Police and is presently manning the Chandni Chowk Police chowki at Pune.
  • Recently we had a couple of get-togethers at Singhal's place with Pandy-Ruby-Nabhanyu and Yugbir-Divya - sharing some good occasions to celebrate!

Two Gladiators sharing their B'day!!

Keep on the lookout for more news!!


Gladiator-68 said...

The e-mail ID is
Lot of two way flow of info is already taking place via that now.

Glad Gladiator said...

Ok! Kirti,! I have made the correction!
thanx a ton