Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hi Guys!
Wish you all a
Very Happy and Prosperous Diwali!!

Latest Buzz on the Gladiators front :-
  • Alok has settled in the Tiger's Throne at Patiala!
We wish him a very happy and successful innings!
  • Tony has hung up his spurs! but has gone underground!
  • Joy has been finally engaged to a pretty damsel in Delhi! we're still waiting for an official confirmation and an invitation from him!
  • Dhondy did us proud by getting a Galantry award on the Independence day for his exploits in the valley!
  • Our old man Daljit is moving to the saloubrous climate of Shimla soon after a successful stint in the valley!
  • Rakhesh has hung up his spurs and is headded towards IIM Ahemdabad to join the Corporate world. We wish him luck!
So have a great Diwali and send in the latest news from your side!


1 comment:

Prabir said...

Happy to get this update.
Wish all of who read or peruse this blog, a Happy Diwali. Aditya, you are doing a great service for us. Thanks & God bless.