Hi Everyone!!
We had a grand re-union with all the Gladiators and Gladiatoresses from 15 - 18 May 2009, organised by Kirti, to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of Standard Presentation!
It was a grand show put up by Kirti and we got a chance to meet the Great old warhorses as well as the young blood of the Gladiator clan!
Klers - Senior , Surinders, Kaka Sandhu's, PS Sandhus, Bhullars, Ahlawat, Banbir, Vikram, Kulwant, Nims, Nehras, Soods,Kapcys,Bhatnagars, Saby, Sangwan, Yudhvir Rajains, Alok & Anu Kler, SP, Rocky Thakur, Aditya & Shivani, Gurams, Raos, Niranjans, Harpreets, Naidu and Joy came from outside and made the occassion a memorable one!!
We all Thank Kirti and his team for his grand hospitality and a great re-union!!!
All the gladiators who could not make it were missed by all and it was their loss to have missed out on all the fun!!